Cup activities that will energize and connect any group!
There are so many things you can do with a red plastic cup. Now there is more! These new and fun team-building activities will bring teams together.
Cups are change makers
Looking for a new ice-breaker?
Need activities to help stir up conversations?
- Do you need others to grow and learn from experiences in a safe environment?
Are your students struggling with time management and planning?
Have you been told change management is your group’s issue?
Here is what you get inside
13 Activities that Connect Teams
Loaded with pictures and graphics that will help guide you to understand the nature and flow of the activities.
Clear Instructions
Designed to give you a quick summery for easy scans of the actitvity. Plus learning objectives along with suggested facilitated questions to help in the processing.
Plus Bonus Material
We want you to get the most out of the book, so we have included two bonus activities and printable processing questions to hand out for each activity.
Games Like...

How many cups can be stacked end to end supported by the team? When stacked and supported, how many times can the group rotate the stack like a waterwheel to get as many ping pong balls into the bucket?

Ping Pong Stack
Be the first team to bounce a ping pong ball into each of the 12 cups provided - making each cup float above the one below. First team to bounce a ball into the all 12 cups will be the winner.

Line Um' Up
As a group, line up all the cup sets available in sequential order as quickly as possible. Each sub team will have their own set as they work with the other three sub team. Can they discover it's not a competition?
Know before you Buy
- Any type of cup will work with the activities (we suggest you stick with plastic cups!)
- There are 13 Activities in the book – eBook and paperback – plus, two BONUS Activities.
- Play-tested with team-ready groups, 10 years-of-age and older.
- Programmable with any team development content – there will be ample experiences to discuss.
- Processing Questions included (FREE portable Handout for each activity).
Other equipment needed
- Tennis Balls or similar sized objects (e.g., crumpled up paper)
- Bandanas
- Permanent Markers (e.g., Sharpies)
- Numbered Spots (e.g., numbered index cards will work)
- Ping Pong Balls
- Table Tops (not required, but useful)
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