Head Shoulders Cup – A group mixer activity
Be the first to grab the cup off the table. Designed simply as an energy icebreaker, networking and mixer.
Be the first to grab the cup off the table. Designed simply as an energy icebreaker, networking and mixer.
Shape Relay slight variation from an old game called “Rope to Star” created by Priest and Rohnke. The objective is for a team to form a piece of rope into the given shape in the fastest time possible. Various shapes can be created. If you wish to do an activity to help a group to discover the power of setting goals, planning and communication, this is a good one!
A great fun icebreaker for any size group. Two people partner together to see who is the first person to falter in counting 1..2..3. With each new round, numbers are replaced with actions.
Used as a fun icebreaker to bring laughter and connection, to get any group out of their seat to get the blood flowing and active. Benefits include helping teach the importance of building a skill, making mistakes when building skill, and that it is natural when doing so?
Also, has been used to teach the concept of “Switch Tasking.”
A collaborative team building exercise that uses no props for the facilitator just what the team has on them. The idea is to pull their resources together to create the longest line. Great for communication, collaboration, creativity, and fun.